Recently I was tricked into getting a Facebook account. Really! I was duped, scammed and suckered.
What happened was that I got an invitation from someone to join Facebook. I had NO idea who this person was. I could not see a picture of this person until I joined Facebook myself. I originally ignored the invite. Then curiosity festered. I scratched at it and picked at it until it was a gaping wound.
I couldn't imagine who this was, how they knew me and how they got my email. I signed up for an account and found out it was a friend of one of my nephew's.
Since then I have become Facebook friends with several people that I went to high school with, Jr. high and even grade school.
On top of that we had a new home teacher come over to our house. Through casual introductions he and I figured out we went to high school together and graduated the same year.
I pulled out the yearbook and looked. I remember his face from high school, but graduated with a class of 700 students. I didn't remember him.
All of this remembering back to high school and even before unleashed a torrent of memories. Some good, some bad, most of them sad with an overlying theme of embarrassment. Horrible, disfiguring embarrassment.
I was (am) so tragically awkward, most of my memories of school are humiliating to the point where I want to slap my head and self affirm my admittance into the all time hall of shame.
When this life is over for me and I sit before that judgement seat and all of my actions are replayed in high definition, surround sound with subtitles and directors comments turned on, I have a notion that through most of it I will have to hide my face in shame while I mutter "Why did I wear tha-- oh no! There's a clean pair in the drawer! IDIOT! Your gonna pick that aren't you--OH GROSS! NO DON'T WIPE IT--! NOOOOO! I guess that explains why those girls didn't like you. Dude! You got some broccoli stuck in-- you can't... you can't hear me... I am not going even bother. NO! Don't say that! Do realize how stupid that sounds? What were you thinking? OH! I am sorry I asked... Is this movie over? Do you have the remote? Can we just fast forward through this Jr. high bit? "
Hello?…Hello?…Is this thing on?
10 years ago
We all think the same thing...
You're great now and I'm sure what you think where horrible things, helped built you to who you are. and that people will only appreciate you that much more! Besides, like she said, we all think that way
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