Sunday, January 31, 2010


Last week was Walker's 100th day of school. To mark the even they centered the day around activities involving the number 100. One of the activities was to fill out a book about 100. I enjoyed his book so much I thought I would share.

I wish I had 100 arms and hands.

That would be awesome! Forget walking! I would just roll everywhere I go. When people looked at me strange, I just say "That's the way I roll"

I wouldn't want 100 zombies

There are a lot of things that I don't want, but 100 zombies ranks right up there with Nancy Pelosi as a neighbor or getting in a fist fight with a 100 armed man.

I can make 100 germs.

It's true! He can! Sometimes when he can't get to a booger with his index finger he will switch to his pinkie for better depth.

Having 100 monkeys could really be a problem.

I think this is a good call. Owning 100 monkeys would be hilarious for the first 10 seconds until one of them flung some poop and hit you in the face.

I can lift 100 germs.

I know he can lift a lot more than just 100. It is where he puts them that keeps me up at night.

I could never eat 100 brains.

So very true... again. I can't imagine brains tasting very good. They are grey. That is most likely why zombies are groaning most of the time.

I can eat 100 chocolate chips.

I've seen him eat 100 chocolate chips per handful. I wonder how he would feel about 100 chocolate brains? Mmmm! chocolate brain!


T-rev said...

I'll have to be honest Walker has a much better fear then you did as a child. Sure fog can be scary but man Zombies that want to eat your brains! I'm with walker on this one. However they have made scary movies about both your fears

Heidi said...

give that boy a hug from me!!

Mindy said...

There's nothing I hate more than paper cluttering up my house. (Well, maybe Zombies walking through fog) but after reading your last two posts I will be much more careful about what school papers I toss. Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Both were gems. You are funny my friend.

Tiffani said...

Thanks for sharing... got a good smile out of this post!