Thursday, August 7, 2008

Circle Journals

OK I might not get around to all of my blogs tonight... that last one took me 2.5 hours to write.

At the beginning of the reunion Kimball gave all of us notebooks and explained that they were "Circle Journals". You could write a question to anyone you wanted and ask whatever you wanted. You then handed your journal to that person and after they had responded they would give it back to you. Some of the replies and questions were funny, some were sad, some were provocative and some were beyond categorization... such as most of my replies. So, I am opening up a question to anyone who reads this.

What is something that nobody knows about you?


Shane and Megan said...

That I can wiggle my ears! Weird... I know. It's a huge science mystery

T-rev said...

I frequently give my self a Mohawk with shampoo when I'm in the shower then pretend I'm a shark as I weave in and out of the shower stream

Casey Niederhauser said...

One time when I was 9 or 10 I ran naked through my backyard on a dare by my friends.