I haven't posted anything in a long time. I had a dream that my dog that has been dead for almost 10 years now was still living in my back yard and I hadn't fed her in years. I felt horrible... and amazed that she was still alive despite not eating. Only Walker can live without eating anything. So... what have I been doing? Well, certainly not homework! Selling Jeep parts. Jeep nerds are nuts! I can't believe what they are willing to pay for some of this crap! and I set up a swing set and we planted a bunch of trees in our yard. And we are firing qwest! I HATE QWEST! I have been trying to get rid of them for YEARS. Comcast comes as far down our street as 2 houses away but not to us. We needed them for internet. And then I found out about Digis. I called almost imediately. They had someone out the next day and set it up. When I first turned on my internet the text s-l-o-w-l-y loaded and then the images gradually appeared one by one. I hadn't seen internet that slow in over 10 years. I was angry and I called Digis and politely said "Turn off my internet before I have to pay for this junk!" They quickly transferred me to a technician and he reset my dish and did some other stuff... that I didn't understand. 40 seconds later he said "try that!" I tested my connection speed which was 4 mbps. I was thrilled! with Qwest I saw it as fast as 700 kbps. This was almost 6X faster and cheaper. So... if you want, sign up today and use me for a reference. If I get 5 people to sign up I get 5 years of service for free. If I had 5 years of service for free I wouldn't have to work so hard and I could spend more time blogging and my posts wouldn't be these random rambling incoherent, meandering, illogical streams of garbled nonesense. Well... OK they would still be all of that. I would just have more time to put in extra punctuation and spell check a bit more. Do it for me. Do it so you can fire Qwest. Because if you are customer of Qwest and they haven't scammed you out of at least $50, then you didn't notice or you haven't been a customer longer than 30 seconds so they could. I could do a post on the evils of Qwest, but they have sucked my will to live, my will to stay awake tonight any longer and have sucked my raw angst towards them with a seemingly endless army of inept, bumbling, lifeless, unapologetically unsympatheticly spiteful customer service agents. That's all for me.
Hello?…Hello?…Is this thing on?
10 years ago
I recently fired quest too! I did go with comcast but unless things get better their days are numbered. In that event I'll have to check with that place you mentioned.
BTW you really don't Blog enough. I thought that Friday was Blog day for you but it looks like you forgot
I agree, you really dont blog enough. I usually depend on you to remind me exactly how messed up the world is...take that however you want. lol
I need to switch to DIGIS. We have a dial-up right now, and its painfully slow. I think I saw a herd of turtles creeping across the landlines with little bits of binary code strapped to their backs. They would make their way to our house, and right before they could feed their packaged code into our computer, it would fall and the turtle brigade would have to start over. It sucks!!!
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