I just love the new layout of Facebook. (Shaking my head "no" and with disgust)
It is like this:
At work we have a small Men's bathroom. It's a one seater and has standing room for one. It is generally occupied when you need it most. But it could be worse. I have visited restrooms that when the door is opened, everyone in the hall is allowed to see your... um, performance.
A few years ago, the restroom had a plastic soap dispenser. It broke. It became plugged up. Rather than replacing the old dispenser with a replica a new style was installed. This left a gaping hole in the wall where the old dispenser was. Not really feeling like patching a hole the right way, a metal plate was screwed into the wall over the hole left by the old soap dispenser.
After years of service the "new" dispenser developed congested arteries. Layer upon layer of soap built up in the pump of the dispenser. The amount dispensed, diminished until this soap Scrooge stopped giving anything at all. Most of us, myself included resorted to angrily slamming the button on the dispenser hoping soap would be awarded on merits of frustration. It really only needed a clean out. a pipe cleaner run through it and it would be fine. A solution was finally found when some poor restroom patron finally resolved to bring in a bottle of hand soap from home and place it next to the sink.
This offering was accepted by the bathroom gods and a new-new dispenser was installed... above the old one. So now there is the hole in the wall covered by the metal plate from the old dispenser. The old-new dispenser that died of congestive heart failure and the new-new dispenser.
Next to the sink is one of those stainless steel, in-wall towel dispenser and garbage can combos. I'm not entirely sure why but the bathroom gods deemed this process either too cumbersome or too expensive, but it was abandoned. a new motion activated towel dispenser was bolted right to the old stainless steel dispenser.
Eventually the batteries died in the new towel dispenser. It was then decided that a new-new towel dispenser would be a better solution, rather than new batteries in the old-new dispenser. The new-new towel dispenser was stuffed in the corner directly over your right shoulder when you are using the sink. Being motion activated it would spew out a length of towels every time you moved your shoulder while scrubbing your hands. By the time you needed towels there was an eight foot length of towels piled up on the floor next to the sink. The new-new dispenser went through towels REALLY fast. This was solved by adjusting the amount of paper towel it dispensed to 6 inches. By the time you needed the towels, there was a good 3 feet for you. New problem with the new-new dispenser. It was now going through batteries really fast. This was solved by putting batteries in the 0ld-new dispenser.
Now we have the new-new towel dispenser that is plagued with problems. So when that one dies, you fall back on the old-new dispenser that only had the problem of needing batteries, that is bolted onto the old-old dispenser that did not have any problems.
Next to sink we have the gaping hole from the original soap dispenser and the old-new dispenser and the new-new soap dispenser that is doomed to the fate of the original two because it is always filled with cheap soap that has too much wax or glycerin in it.
With the new version of Facebook, I can't find a way to shut off all of the Farm Wars, Mafiaville, and "Ralphie Pencilarms took the 'how much can you bench press?' quiz and found out he would loose a fist fight with an earthworm. " notifications. I only like to see my friend's status updates so that I can make peanut gallery comments. Wading through all of the crap, is becoming surprisingly mundane. I participate less. I can see other people participating less and to be honest, I just want to take my potty break and get back to my life without all of the extra features that don't work.
That's all. This gripe session over. Insert your comments here ->